Good Monday Morning to everyone. This week I would like to tell you a story about a little band from San Francisco that evolved into the 7th biggest selling act in American history, putting them up there with The Beatles and Elvis, which id have to say is an even bigger accomplishment considering what type of music they play. This is also a story of loss and redemption, highs and lows and one of the greatest comebacks in music history. I wont discuss the narrative, the story itself can easily be found my googling Metallica. What I will tell you is my own version.
I have had a passion for music my whole life, from singing along with Big Bird when I was a baby to country music in my formative years. But it wasnt until I heard this band in 5th grade that I truly can say that I fell in love with a genre. Ive heard my friends explain this similar feeling with punk rock, and I do like punk rock, but it does not give me the same feeling inside of out right joy that a metal track does and these guys do it the best.
That is not to say that it has all been rose pedals and smiles with them and I. Whatever the fuck they did in the mid-90's just baffled me. Here is a great example:
They went from this:

To this:

Needless to say, I was shocked and hurt. How could they do this?!? Why would they sell out after all these years? I gave up, started listening to nu-metal (which other than deftones is a decision I whole heartedly regret) and didnt look back. But lo and behold came the early 00's and a new face for the group. Jason Newsted left the group, which I think was a necessary move, he kinda sucked anyway. But its when I heard St. Anger that I knew that they were on the right path. They just needed to drop Bob Rock, which I firmly believe is the Yoko Ono of Metallica. I cant even begin to describe how much I FUCKING HATE BOB ROCK!!! I believe that he robbed me of 8-12 years of kick ass music. Fuck him. But anyway in the Fall of 2008 they released what is easily one of their best records Death Magnetic and set everything right again. This one I chalk up to Rick Rubin, whom I love with all my heart. If Bob Rock is the Yoko then Rick is the John Lennon. I would give this man a kiss if I saw him in real life. His records have brought me more joy, plus he resurrected the greatest heavy metal band of all time. I will leave you with a cut off the new record so you can feast your ears on some heavy metal redemption. Which incidentally is what I think they should of named Death Magnetic.
Welcome back guys...its been far too long.

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