So, I just read on /Film that they are making a Coming to America sequel/reboot in reverse starring who? Who else? the "damn Gina" king himself Martin fucking Lawrence. Ok, so most of you who know me know that I am a huge 80's movies fan and a lot of the nostalgia that has been going on has been awesome for me. But this is a fucking atrocity, now not only do I have to put up with the complete demise of Eddie Murphy, I mean really Eddie this?

But now I gotta put up with Hollywood disgracing his older work? Fuck that. On top of it they got Martin Lawrence? What were they sitting around and thinking..mmm who embodies a young Eddie Murphy in him prime, oh I know Martin!
All I got to say to this is: DAMN GINA!!!!
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The only way, as I see it, to stop this madness is to kill Ryan Seacrest. I'm not sure if I even spelled his name right, but I don't care, I think this is his fault. But, I'm not sure why.
If there's money to be made through the subtle art of exploitation, there's some greaseball studio exec down to capitalize on that.
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