What are we gonna do now? Well Ill tell you this much, the last thing I am going to do is let my guard down. The MSM (main stream media for those of you not familiar with internet lingo) has already declared total victory and "The end of the Gipper era" I for one am not so sure. Sure if you look at the electoral map basically every major city overwhelming voted democratic but there are a lot of country folk who are firmly in the right-wing camp. Now this is not a knock against them, this is America people can believe whatever they want and vote for whomever they choose this is not what I am against. I am against the neo-cons taking advantage of these people for their own political gains and wars. I cannot tell you how happy I am that we have a liberal back in the White House lets just hope he does right by us.......
I have a lot of concerns for about where his administration going. With the Chief of staff pick alone there's a bad pick. Rahm Emanuel is a hawkish Democrat who supports Israel's occupation of the West Bank and set a record for campaign contributions from hedge funds.
I would say that you would do well to sign petitions and send letters in support of progressive causes as often as you can.
There's been a Democratic majority in Congress since '06 and they still gave Bush almost everything he wants.
This is Jared, by the way.
Oh I agree with your sentiment about Congress. But I believe that has more to do with the weak leadership that Reid and Pelosi show than with Democrats as a whole. Those two are more about getting reelected than getting things done. Also, how would a Jew not support Israel? That is like saying a Musilm should support Palenstine!!
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