I thought maybe I would entertain you all with a few of my favorite links. These are websites I go to everyday and sometimes twice or three times. They range the gamut of random shit, everything from movie news to gadgetry. Enjoy!
Digg - I have recommended this site for years, so I must put it first.
Slashfilm - This is a badass movie news site. It always has all the newest info first. It also just went a major site redesign over the holiday.
Gizmodo - Another jewel, they have really good posts about the latest gadgets as well as toys and most importantly space!!
Chron.com - The good 'ol local paper. I am proud to say that in this age of failing old media, it appears that my little old local paper "gets it" and provides great ad-supported content on the web for free. There are a few things that I find are lacking (no social interactions features like friending or article recommendation) but overall a great site.
sports.yahoo.com -Yes it is mainstream, yes it is overdone. But the interface is superior and the content is always spot on. The only thing I wish, as with any other national sports news agency is a little more H-Town love
Aint it cool news and
iFanboy - Last but not least are THE bastions of nerddom on the internet. I am pretty new to these sites, but from what I can tell they have solid news and content. I dont really like the layout of Aint it Cool but i am getting used to it.